Donate to Shakespeare Magazine!

Помогите журналу Shakespeare Magazine, который делается силами энтузиастов и распространяется совершенно бесплатно! Главный редактор Пэт просит пожертвовать кто сколько может, чтобы он мог продолжать работу. Журнал уникален, там много удивительных материалов (некоторые у нас в очереди на перевод). И мы, как никто, понимаем, что такое работать на чистом энтузиазме. Иногда энтузиазм иссякает. Пожертвовать можно на этой странице, там есть кнопочка для России: 

A personal appeal from Shakespeare Magazine’s Founder & Editor Pat Reid:

“For almost two years, Shakespeare Magazine has been produced on a micro-budget from a bedroom in Bristol, England. Although we generate some revenue from advertising, it’s not enough to keep going indefinitely. And so I’m asking you, our readers, to make a small contribution – whatever you can afford – to help us continue.

“Times are tough, there are so many financial demands on us all, and I know this is a lot ask. And yet, if each Shakespeare Magazine reader donated the equivalent of just £1 (GBP), that would be enough to keep the magazine moving forward for two whole years.

If you enjoy Shakespeare Magazine, please make a donation using the buttons below.

“The mission of Shakespeare Magazine is to help people everywhere enjoy Shakespeare. If you donate to Shakespeare Magazine you’ll be investing in that mission. And you’ll be able to see the results of your investment in every issue of the magazine, in every weekly newsletter, in every article on the website, and in every single Tweet and Facebook post.

“Shakespeare is England’s greatest gift to the world, and I think it should be a free gift. With your help, we’ll be able to keep Shakespeare Magazine completely free – for everyone, and forever.”

If you have any questions or would like more information (or if you wish to donate from a country not included here), please contact Pat at this email address:

Here are the donation buttons for the ten countries where Shakespeare Magazine has the most readers:


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