
Сообщения за апрель, 2015

David Tennant: Photo of the Day

Which Shakespeare Character Would You Be? Quiz

David Tennant: photo of the day. Jump The Life To Come, 1992

Shakespeare in Community: Is Shakespeare Universal? New Coursera's Course

News: How To Get Ahead on USA TV, Merchant of Venice rehearsal, Wolf Hall Nominated for Tony Awards

Turning Shakespeare's sonnets into short films (PBS)

Look Back In Anger, 2005. Рецензия.

David Tennant. QA, 2002

Animated Shakespeare. SparkNotes

David Tennant: photo of the day. Push Up, 2002

Shakespeare Lives. British Council Programme

David Tennant: photo of the day. The Rivals, 2000

How well do you know your Shakespeare? Quiz

The Globe App

Do You Understand the True Bard or the False? Some Shakespeare Etymologies

Конкурс ИДЕТ. Выиграйте один из пяти оригиналов рисунков!

"Мстители: Эра Альтрона" - это Шекспир? (рецензия CityDog.by)

Happy 451st Birthday, Shakespeare! (Mya Gosling)

David Tennant: photo of the day. Much Ado About Nothing, 2011

David Tennant: Lobby Hero Interview (2002)

Arts By Drymartinee

ИГРАЕМ В ШЕКСПИРА: Обзор компьютерных игр

Shakespeare Birthday Quiz by RSC

David Tennant Brush Up Your Shakespeare

Today Is Shakespeare Birthday

The Global Shakespeares Video & Performance Archive (for free)

Shakespeare Globe Facts

Shakespeare in the Bush

David Tennant: photo of the day, 1996

"Гамлет" RSC, Лондон, декабрь 2008 (рецензия)

David Tennant hosts live BBC Two broadcast on 23 April 2016

Which Shakespeare Play Is The Movie Based On. Quiz

Hamlet. The Book. КОНКУРС

Ответы на задание викторины

Hamlet. The Book. CONTEST

Hamlet. The Book. КОНКУРС

Праздничная викторина имени Дэвида Теннанта